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How to test port 80 via command line / How to test Internet connection ...

HTTP Monitoring

SLCheck can monitor your webserver by requesting a certain URL periodically, e.g. once a minute.

The command is:

SLCheck -p 80 -a -u / -r "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"

SLCheck tries to establish a connection to server and sends a HTTP GET request. The results are logged in file SLReport.csv. In dependence of the answer one of the following batch files will be executed:
  • CheckOK.cmd if the GET request was successfull. That means that the webserver has answered with the right answer string "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" within 2000ms. Thats the default timeout, you can change it with option -w. If you don't want a batch file to be executed if the attempt is successful you can add option -NoOkBatch.
  • CheckTimeout.cmd if the server doesn't answer within 2000ms.
  • CheckMismatch.cmd if the servers answers with a different answer string, e.g. "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"

If you don't want any batch files to run (only logging) you can add option -NoBatch. Use -NoErrorBatch to suppress the execution of CheckTimeout.cmd and CheckMismatch.cmd.

There's another article about the Telnet SMTP commands. Read how to check your Webserver (port 80) with the telnet command. More Lugrain tools here.


How does SLCheck

Service Level

Monitor Internet

HTTP Monitoring

FTP Monitoring

SMTP Monitoring

POP3 Monitoring

Citrix Server Monitoring

Answer strings

Command line Syntax

Batch files parameters



