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FTP batch file example - Last update: Feb/05/2025

FTP commands for batch files

You can run FTP commands in a batch file with the command

ftp -s:filename

Create a .txt file with the FTP commands, one command per line.

open <hostname>
<FTP user>
<FTP password>
hash                 # display progress
bin                  # copy in binary mode (or asc for Ascii)
bell                 # ring bell when download is finished
lcd <local folder>   # change local directory
cd <remote folder>   # change directory on FTP server
get <remote file>    # copy file to local directory

Example FTP batch file download_logfiles.txt:

open www.mydomain.com
lcd c:\temp
cd statistics/logs
get access_log

Now you can start the download from the command line with the following command:

ftp -s:download_logfiles.txt

How can I check port 21 (FTP)?

You can check TCP port 21 (and other ports) with the PortCheck.exe TCP port check command line tool. PortCheck is a free command line tool for Windows 7/8/10, no installation is required. It can be downloaded at www.portcheck-tool.com. You can use it like the Ping command:

portcheck MyFtpServer 21

or continuous

portcheck -t MyFtpServer 21

The result looks like this:

C:\Users\admin>portcheck -t ftp.myftp.com 21
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 30ms
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 34ms
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 40ms
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 50ms
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 47ms
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 30ms

ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - closed
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - closed
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - closed
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - closed
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - closed

ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 30ms
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 29ms
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 41ms
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 33ms
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 30ms
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 32ms
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 30ms
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 34ms
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 30ms
ftp.myftp.com - Port 21 - OPEN - 30ms

Another way to Check Port 25 (free tool)
Check the FTP port in regular intervals

If you would like to check your FTP Server at regular intervals, you can use the command line utility SLCheck. SLCheck connects to the FTP Server and checks the answer. Batch files can be executed in dependance of the result, e.g. to send alarm notifications. Try the following command:

SLCheck -p 21 -a ftp.domain.com -r "220 ProFTPD"

220 ProFTPD
can be the normal answer from a FTP Server.

All results are logged in a logfile. You can monitor your FTP Server by running SLCheck as a scheduled task, e.g. once a minute.

PingTool is a nice tool if you need a ping GUI. If the number of command line pings confuses you, you can download this GUI ping tool at www.ping-tool.com. Use the free wake on lan tool (magic packet) named WakeOnLanTool for your enterprise. USBSecure Enterprise is a USB Port Security Software for networks. Lugrain PC Check helps you to reduce your PC incidents by showing the 24 most important PC parameters. From time to time administrators ask themselves how to perform LAN network speedtests in Windows 11. Speedtest Tool 4.3 can solve this problem. It displays the results in Mbps (megabits per second) for the download and the upload direction.

SLCheck Homepage

Content: FTP batch file commands Windows