file parameters
The following parameters are passed to the batch files CheckOK.cmd,
CheckMismatch.cmd, CheckTimeout.cmd and CheckSLViolation.cmd:
port number
%2 IP address
%3 URL
%4 expected answer string
%5 returned answer string
%6 timeout
%7 answer time
%8 service level timeout (SLTime)
following parameters are passed to the batch files CheckFatal.cmd
and CheckSLViolationDoubleHTTP.cmd:
%1 name or IP Address of first server
%2 name or IP Address of second server
The batch files can be modified, e.g. to send SNMP traps or to
perform other notifications (SMS, eMail, popup window).
file is shown below:
@echo off
echo .
echo .
echo CheckOK...
echo .
echo Protocol: %1
echo IP address: %2
echo URL: %3
echo Expected return: %4
echo Returned text: %5
echo Timeout: %6
echo Time: %7
echo SLTime: %8
echo .
echo .